
So my hubby left for the great Grand Portage again. I am beginning to really hate Grand Portage and I have never been there! I hear it is very pretty. But last Fall I almost lost my mind with him being gone on the road. I, today, started my new shift at work. I am working 8-4:30 like normal people do. I do not consider myself normal. I get no break during the day because I am the only one there. I physically cannot get to the bank during operating hours. I own my own business and feel like I shouldn't have to work this much if I don't want to. All summer I had been going in at 9:30 so that I could spend time with the boys in the morning, because once 5 pm hits I am scrambling to make dinner and then in 3 short hours they are in bed. Am I ever going to see my children again? So here I sit, writing my blog at 7 am while they still sleep. I dread having to go wake them up from there warm beds to rush to get out the door on time. All summer we slept in together and took our time getting ready, played outside and I made breakfast every day! And next week? When my Parker starts school...he starts at 8:30 and not a minute earlier, I have no idea how I am going to get him to school at 8:30 when I have to be to work at 8. I am seriously considering bringing him to work with me and leaving the place unattended for 10 minutes while I drive him down the road to school. Is that just crazy or what? I have grandparents that can pick him up at 11 and bring him back to daycare-which is wonderful since we have already established the fact that I can't leave work during the day.
FYI-owning your own business isn't all it's cracked up to be!

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