By Saturday morning the decorations were hung, the cupcakes were being frosted and I was crying my eyes out in the kitchen while I danced with my baby. I held him in my arms and sobbed. He kept touching my wet cheeks and saying, tears momma, tears momma. Then I cried some more. My sister came over to help me decorate. Bear and Papa Milo had taken Parker ice fishing. I was a mess all morning. My sister and I talked about it and I think it truly comes down to he is most likely, probably, 99% sure, my last baby.
But I picked myself up off the kitchen floor and proceeded to go into full 2nd Birthday Party mode.
I made this
rockin' banner weeks before his birthday...made my least crafty sister help glue them together too! First the banner then to assist with cupcake decorating, I really am breaking her in quickly! I cut out 13 giant owls on the
cricut in 4 different colors and it turned out super cute!

With brother & daddy fishing we had the morning to hangout together. I pulled out his scrapbooks-yes he has more than one in his two short years of his life-for him to look through. I leave them out for the guests to look through at their leisure. He kept calling his baby pictures me and his big boy pictures Paarkarr.
Because it was his birthday I let him have a cupcake at 10 o'clock in the morning. Then he snuck another one. Because it was his birthday I didn't get mad, I took a picture.

By 5 o'clock people were gathered in our house enjoying some great food from the Spot on 53, orange or strawberry pop and the cutest cupcakes ever.

The birthday boy was a little shy in the beginning with all the people over but I didn't mind the extra leg hangs and begs to be held. I just carried on my hip right where he belongs. When people were eating he snuggled on my lap...I didn't mind that either.

As soon as we lit the 2 little candles and set the cupcake in front of him he blew them out. We chuckled and then
re-lit them, telling him to not blow them out until after we sing. So one round of Happy Birthday he blew them out again and smiled for everybody. Then proceeded to eat the entire cupcake one candied layer at a time.

Parker was so excited to have his brother be two. Finally. The next morning he asked if
Emmitt was three now? I had to put the birthdays in perspective for him. No Parker, your birthday is after Halloween and then it's Christmas,
Emmitt's birthday is after Christmas. On Monday, Parker asked if
Emmitt was going to be three at the daycare Valentine party?

The gifts...oh the gifts. He was so excited when he opened each and every one of them. Had we not had video I am not sure I would have a clue who got him what. But the most priceless moments have come from his new cowboy boots and a little Daniel and the Lion bible set. The kid is obsessed with lions and my mom found little characters of Daniel, a den and a lion. He walks up to me and puts Daniel on the table, puts the lion next to him, sets down the den and says
IN! So he really does get it! The next morning he got up and kept asking for Jesus.
Where's Jesus? Where's Jesus? I asked him if he was looking for Daniel?
Yeah, where's Daniel? where's Daniel? We found him in the radiator!
This two year old will always be my baby and this four year old will always be my big boy. I am slowly getting used to that. Just Becky and the and my boys...all three of them.
Sooo cute....I wish I was there to give you a hug....I soooo know how you feel!
Really cute banner and cupcakes!
You should post a picture of one of his scrapbook pages so us scrapbook newbies could get some ideas!!
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