a few more
I know I'm spoiled, but...
After the "shit-geyser" went off July 1st, my basement was totally trashed. The new carpet went down in August. Then the dehumidifier quick sucking moisture out of the air but continued to run day and night. Bear and I both always thought the other person was dumping it out, when in fact neither of us was. Then the day came that I went to move the furniture back into the newly carpeted area and realized it was all covered in a fine layer of moldy fuzz.
(insert freak out moment here)
So the craziness began. I tore everything out of my laundry area. Sprayed every crevice of it with mold resistant cleaner, scrubbed, scoured and removed all particles of dirt, debris and mildew. Then enlisted Regan to help me paint my floor, complete with speckles. That took us about 45 minutes. Then I made the guys move my deep chest freezer (totally full of meat), not once, twice, but three times! Then I realized that I totally needed to paint the walls a fresh coat of white complete with mildew resistant additive. Then I wondered why the heck I painted the floor first? 10 drop clothes later and I was on my way to painting. I painted the basement walls the month of November. The hubs was hunting so at nap time and bedtime. I would pour a glass of wine, change into my painting clothes and head down to the dungeon.
Then I drew a map, yes a map of where I wanted shelves to go. I needed to get things off the floor in case the city sewer decides to come into my house again. Then I took my little map (5 pages) to Menards with 2 kids and batted my eyes at some poor kid and made him help me load up my cart and then the car. I drove through town with my hatch open, the little red flag a waving out the back and told the kids to hang on to the shelves!
Then Milo and Barrett spent a weekend doing this for me...spoiled I know.
The deep chest finally ended up on the left side of this little area with all my totes of seasonal decoration on the right. The top shelves are full of games, puzzles, cards, etc...
another one down...

The 5th Birthday Party
two pictures
Gina tagged me.
RULE #1 : People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 : Tag 4 people to do this quiz and they cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals, or are they members of your family?
Ummm…I HAD cats and they hated my first born so we "got rid of them". Enough said. I don't wanna talk about it.
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I have no idea. I am blessed and I know I am. I wish I could know the future some days, but it's not meant to be that way.
3. What is the one thing most hated by you?
People who start their sentence with "I shouldn't be telling you this, but…". Then shut your trap!
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Live comfortably, pay off debt, hire somebody to build us a new house, invest it, put new lighting in our church, add to my retirement, give it away…
5. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
What bad mood? I am rarely in a bad mood…it's a waste of time.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Both equally, but giving your love away is a rewarding feeling.
7. What is your bedtime routine?
Crash. If I have time, I'll do the remove eye makeup, wash my face, brush my teeth, but 5 out of 7 days I just simply go to bed.
8. If you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your partner?
I stalked him with Gina at Rainy River. Then I asked him out. And then he married me. And we lived happily ever after.
9. If you could watch a creative person in the act of the creative process, who would it be?
Bear's Auntie Joyce is a painter. I would love to sit in a chair with a sugar free skinny latte and watch her paint.
10. What kinds of books do you buy?
I have a library card. I check out fiction books and kids books.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
10 years from now…I'll be 40. YIKES! My kids will be growing up, we will still be running around like crazy people, but happy, healthy and thankful for the busy fun years we have shared together so far.
12. What's your fear?
13. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to visit outer space?
Umm, NO. This is absurdity. Dido.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married, but poor?
I am married and poor and doing just fine.
15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
I get woken up almost every day of the week…to one or two sweet little boys, who are nestling under the covers. We snuggle until somebody shouts, I have to pee!
16. If you could change one thing about your spouse/partner what would it be?
That he would complete projects for me faster. He's a starter, not a finisher which makes me a nag. I don't want to nag.
17. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
Wonder Woman.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?
Been there. Done that. I think I am burnt out in this area currently. I am not a bad person to not forgive, I am a good person who won't allow it anymore.
19. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?
Cheese. I LOVE cheese. Mmmmmmmm….me too!
I'm tagging, Summer, Daf, Anna, and Jen P
a hunting we will go
The opener
The next chapter
Almost 5
The invite and what the cake will be

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

They were off to see the Wizard...

...The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!