Make & Take | Hockey Mom Style

Let's face matter what age your hockey player is, they STINK! Their gloves stink after the first week of practice when they are four! 

So we hockey moms came together and busted out some AMAZING recipes!

 These hockey bag balls are amazing for taking the smell out of the bag. And of COURSE they are going to play with them in a game of shinny! But they are TIME consuming! I would loved to have budgeted wool dryer balls and just given everyone them, but the Bronco colors were a must and the skeins of yarn were only $6 each. Just LOTS and lots of time went into them! Either way, just a drop or two of purification oil on the ball and toss it in the bag!
 Bag spray is a MUST! I typically only spray it down after a tourney weekend and always at the end of the season. I have backed down on the baking soda a little, but if you see white dots all over the gear, just dust them off. YUM!
 LOVE the detergent. I do not dilute it. I have boys and tough stains so I keep it straight up and wash all of our laundry in this mixture. The whole 5 gallon pail costs like $10! WAY cheaper than the Natural Detergent I was forking over a ton of money for!
 So I tossed up making "So Sore" or "Relax Momma" bombs. We ended up making both the night of the party. For the relax I used Orange, Ylang Ylang, and Lavender. The first two are for libido too :) but it is an amazing mixture! These take awhile to set, so make them first if you have a make & take. Store in an air tight container. And baggies will expand if you store them in there!
 Mimics the bath bombs. Valor, Panaway and Peppermint are AWESOMESAUCE for pain! Lemongrass has a strong smell, but everyone wanted it in the cream, so we went for it! 
 Last but not least, the BEST recipe for hand sanitizer! It's smooth and moisturizing! And smells amazing! And my boys love it best because it doesn't sting! I've made little containers for them to keep in their desk and school bags!