This was year two of the Opening Weekend of deer season that the Bilben family came to stay with us. Last year I managed two 4 year olds and 2 18 month olds...this year...much, much, much easier. Again, it was a weekend of adventures, laughs, not many tears and way more energy than I'll ever have.
I took the kids up to the bike trail and let them run. Run, Run, Run, Run until you can't run anymore! I told them. And they did. It is crazy to look back at last year and see that there was no snow, warm weather. This year we didn't even have jackets! All our hunters kept saying it was too warm to hunt. The kids and I loved that it was this nice out. I appreciated the time to be free of them all and I turned them loose in the back yard.
Jillian. The only girl in the bunch of kids. She fits in perfectly. Auntie Becky taught her a few things in the woods...when she had to go potty "real bad". From one girl to another!
Once she was home she mentioned to Regan that she noticed when we all prayed at the table the we say AhMen (short a) and they say A-men (long a). I am not sure if a lot of funny things happened at the table while eating or if we just simply spent that much time at the table eating. I literally felt like all I did was think of a meal, cook it, serve it, clean up and start all over again.
Parker. The almost 5 year old. He was busy running, building "fires", and helping me keep an eye on the "babies".
Brooks. Brooksy. Dude. He was hilarious. I kept hiding his nuk on him. He would communicate with his eyes. A lot. He doesn't need to say a word, just a look. At one point I told him he had "angry eyes" (watch Toy Story 2) and we all got the giggles at the table, and sure enough he would do it again to get a laugh out of us all.
The Bilbens taught our kids a bunch of funny knock-knock jokes...but there answers were always something to do with food or underpants. I was amused for the first 3 jokes, but they all laughed themselves silly at their own funny answers.
E-man. Kept up with the best of them all weekend long. The first night of the sleepover each set of siblings slept together. The second night I let the big kids sleep together and the little kids sleep together. At 1 am Brooks lost that darn nuk and was screaming for it. Emmitt told him to "hush" and came downstairs to sleep with momma.
While on our walk, we gathered fire wood and made a pretend fire to warm our hands. We sat around and had a snack and climbed on the log and rock and then headed home for yet another meal.

The 2 five year olds. Cute as ever.
I told Jillian while combing out her wet hair that God gave me boys for a reason! She looks like she is giving me attitude in this picture, but she really is a sweetie.
And alas...a shot of the 4 of them sitting still long enough for the 1 millisecond.
On the walk home...we came to the corner before piling back into the of the reasons I love Fall so much in Northern Minnesota.
I am thankful that Regan and Derek got away for a weekend together and that once again she tagged a huge buck opening morning!
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