We had a great weekend in Somerset, WI with my sister Debs family. The kids traveled perfectly, the weather was great, the boys had a blast with Emma and Peter and we had 3 whole days to do whatever we wanted. We left right at nap time on Thursday afternoon and Emmitt didn't make it to Ericsburg awake. Parker watched his movie for awhile longer and then both boys slept for a solid 2 and a half hours. I drove and cruised right along reaching North Branch for our first stop. I really think we could have made it the whole way if we didn't need gas-the boys did that great in the car.
Thursday night we arrived for a wonderful Salmon dinner with Deb and Chris at their house while the boys ran wild and stretched their legs while Emma and Peter played with them for hours on end. A late night for both kids and parents. Friday we hung out all morning playing and having fun until Emma came home from her half day of school. We managed to make Halloween cookies with all four kids. Parker kept sneaking licks of flour off the counter. The weird part was he kept going back for more?! The kids loved decorating the misshaped witch hat (or a sailboat to Parker), ghost (Parker kept calling it a big foot), moon and pumpkin.
Saturday we were up around 8 am (we NEVER get to sleep until 8 am!) and got ready for Pete's football practice/game and then headed to the corn maze, pumpkin farm, fun place outside of Stillwater. We pushed the boys' nap time back as far as they would make it and they looked exhausted by the end but did great.

We let Parker point which way to go in the beginning of the maze and when we ended up coming out the entrance more than once we decided to really try to get out and still failed. Finally Emma got us out the correct gate and freed us from the maze.

We skipped the hayride with tons of people and voted for the Silly String mine field. The big kids and little kids put on their protective goggles and got their silly string gun for a mere $3 each and hit the field chasing and screaming after one another.

At the very end of our trip at the pumpkin farm the kids got their face painted. Parker chose the full face Spiderman mask and crashed on the car ride home. He was sure tired after all that fun. Debs took pics of me actually holding Emmitt in the sling while he started to fall asleep and of the actual face painting...so I'll get those up later.
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