Okay...so first I need to say that the huge-normous backpack was NOT my idea. First off, I was told by many mom's to buy the regular size backpack because of the projects that come home and once our wonderful winter season approaches the back pack needs to be able to hold snow pants, hats, mittens, boots, etc...Well people-all that crap isn't going to fit in the tiny Lightning McQueen back pack he has. I will also have you know that the back pack contained 2 jugs of raisins and the kid could hardly stand upright.
- ask politely if you "may" have a drink or go potty
- wipe your own butt
- don't come out of the bathroom to ask anybody if it's clean
- be nice to other kids
- when the teacher asks you a question-L I S T E N!!!
- Only go home with people you know
- Have fun
- Tell mommy and daddy all about your day when you get home.
This was another one of the big Firsts in Parker's life. Bear and I are just finding it hard to believe that he is old enough to go to any type of school, even if it is preschool. Then we started calculating and in 2 short years, this will be Emmitt going to preschool and Parker will be heading into Kindergarten! Now that brings tears to both our eyes...
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