Even the weekends are busy around here. Friday night I worked at the Spot. Bear and the boys hung out eating pizza in the living room. Saturday morning Bear headed down to the shack to put the bridge in over the river so we can get to our stands this Fall. I was so nicely asked to golf with my nephew Derek in a scramble, babysitter (sister Tammy) included that I couldn't pass it up. So my Friday night tips went to the Frostbite Scramble entry fee and we teed off at 9 am in the fog and bugs. We had an absolute blast. It helped that we were playing really well too. We thought we had a shot at the big money ($1,000) but going into the last 5 holes, we "fell apart", meaning we parred or birdie the holes-FYI-you don't win scrambles with pars or even birds-you gotta be getting Eagles out there! Tons of fun was had though. I was 1 of 5 women that even played that day and I was the only girl in the eight some we had.
By 4 o'clock I was dog tired and hand a sunburn on my nose. I get home to get the boys and start packing for a night at the shack. The boys cooperated while I scrambled to pack as fast as I could without forgetting anything-in the back of my mind really wishing the DVD player still worked in the car-a snack and a DVD while buckled in car seats seemed to have worked for us, but the adapter broke and I'm not sure it can be fixed...so we headed down to the shack for a Pig Roast with the Fultons and a bonfire at our own shack. I really think it's been a year since we have stayed down at the shack overnight-Papa Don's birthday last year. The boys were little fire-monsters, throwing every last stick around into the fire...by 8:30 the bugs were carrying us away and we headed in for hot water baths in the sink, books and flashlight bedtime.
Parker kept saying his knees were not getting wet-he didn't quite realize that they are never going to fit in that little tub again. Emmitt was afraid to sit in the water but eventually did and was the wrinkliest one of all.
Finally by 19 months-to the day-the kid saw me pick up the camera and said eeeese and put this smile on his face.
We have a (diaper) box of toys down at the shack which has this net and little green frogs in it...the net made the rounds all night and day on other people's heads.

What a look-jammies, puddle boots and a sweatshirt while he plays monster trucks.
With me being the Queen and all, I don't have to cook while I am at the shack. I am contemplating moving down there permanently, but I know it wouldn't last. Papas Don and Norm and Bear made breakfast for us all. Eggs, bacon, venison, fried potatoes and toast...
Emmitt wanted that fried potato so badly...but Papa just kept blowing on it. It's hot, buddy, you gotta wait...
Finally...success! And boy were those potatoes worth the wait, Papa makes the best fried potatoes this side of the Black River.

The boys love being down at the shack...Emmitt finally rode the four wheeler without being totally freaked out from the experience. Parker can go from inside to outside without having to be watched every moment. Bear is making trails through the woods that we will be able to walk in for years to come. I bought my deer license this year and actually plan to tag one myself and not just give it away to one of the guys. We had a great day and night with family at the shack. Each year the boys get easier to take down there. This Fall has lots of weekends left to visit the shack. I am on a hunt for used bedding-Twin and Double sized-that I can wash, pack in a tote and leave in the garage. So when we head down to the Shack or in the camper it's all set to go. I am dreading the taking apart of our pillows and washing it all...currently it all smells like campfire and bacon.
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