When it was warm out for a week this summer we had a blast! The kids played outside every.single.day. After work, I would put them in their swimsuits and fill the little pool with water, stick a slide in it and we would just lounge around on the new deck. It was fantastic.
I could make dinner while they played and hangout after supper with them. We frequently eat outside on the patio furniture and there is next to no clean up!
I love the swim shirts they both have, Parker is still managing to get some color and Emmitt's hair turns blonder by the minute, but they have both been able to enjoy the sun and water. And me? I just grab a cold one and sit in my lounge chair built by Milo and hangout with my camera and a book. The kids have taken a liking to the buckets we have, all of various sizes and colors. Unfortunately my planter buckets also fall into that category-with or without dirt.
(no idea what that paragraph is underlined and I can't get it off and am too lazy to re-type it)
Take cover Emmitt!
Cone Head! I am not sure who started the whole bucket on the head thing, but I think it was this one and then Emmitt just followed along.
See what I mean?
The slide in the pool is about the coolest thing there is. They go up, they come down, they splash. What's better? Parker learned real fast to dump some water on the slide so it's not so hot!
Emmitt and I took a break to eat some cherries. I wish there was a better way to feed him cherries...I mean, other than me half eating them to get the pit out and then feeding a regurgitated cherry to my baby?! 

Emmitt absolutely loves to be splashed. Whether it's in the pool, the tub, or running through the yard while his brother sprays him with the hose...he loves it! He doesn't mind when you dump water on his head in the tub or if his brother throws water on him from the pool (and it's freezing cold). 
More buckets on the heads...

Having fun in the sun, floating on his belly in the little pool. 
Showing off his bear tattoo from the sanctuary.
Oh, summer, summer? Please come back to us...I hope this weekend is at least nice for the Fourth. We have our 6th Annual BBQ and 5 years ago it was 45 degrees out and I handed out every sweatshirt in the house to our family as we all sat around and froze our butts off!
Just tonight, we decorated the kids' bikes for the parade. They will be riding in the kiddie parade. I would hate to see my kid half to wear snow pants at the parade! People have said they've seen it snow on the Fourth of July, I for one, do not want to see that. Ever.
1 comment
Great photos! They are so colorful. I also hope that it warms up this weekend, I'm a big wimp and can't handle the cold, I'm already frustrated about having to deal with mosquitoes (i bought bug dope a week ago:) Oh, and a problem solver for the cherries: "Oxo Good Grips Cherry Pitter" found at Amazon.com along with other sites:) Can't wait to see you!
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