Coach Stephie teaching 'em how to bat.
My cousin's boy Jake hitting away
Nikki's Jaxon doesn't seem to want to keep the helmet on that gorgeous hair
Bailey gets a hug from mom Jodi (it was her birthday!) for catching the ball
The kids had a hard time figuring out where to run. This one made it to first!
Bradyn taught Parker how to play catcher...maybe Joe Mauer is rubbing off on him after all this time of mommy having a crush on him.
Steph and I had half of the kids (20+) and Paul had the other half. Which somehow managed to be all of our kids on the other team. So, as if, Summer (my cousin) didn't have enough to do with a 5 year old playing, a 3 year old not playing and a new baby, I gave her my camera to get some shots of Parker playing his first tee-ball game with neither of his parents there to watch! Thanks Summer!
Parker stops on second to give a high five to Cooper and Gracie. 3 year olds don't have much of an attention span, but sure know how to have fun!
Hang on to your helmet Parker!
Running fast into home...
It was certainly hot and hectic last Monday night. The temperature was pushing 85 and it was humid! The kids got the whole gist of playing tee-ball but it was definitely chaotic. Some kids had played before, some had never held a bat. Some wouldn't bat at all and clung to their parents legs, some wanted to bat over and over again and had a hard time waiting for their turn. We will get all the kinks worked out and next week we may have up to 50 kids if they all show, so wish us luck as we teach 50 (3,4, & 5) year olds the skills of the great All-American pass time.
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