When it was warm out for a week...
Father's Day
Shelby showed Parker how to be nice and quiet so that the chipmunks wouldn't be scared to take a peanut from him. Then she found a little hole under the decks walkway where the chipmunks come out of. He just crept up there next to her and waited so quietly for a chippie to appear and then he would drop a peanut for it. He would not let it take one from his hand. Which I am just fine with...
This Father's Day was just perfect. Simple. They way we like things these days. We spent it together with some of our family. It is nearly impossible to spend it with all of our dads but they did not go unforgotten. We wished them all a Happy Father's Day and got them some great cards. We were really into the singing cards...mine for Bear was actually a New Kids on the Block card that sang "oh, oh, ohhhho, oh, oh ohhhhho, oh, oh, ohhhho" then on the inside it said "you've got the right stuff"! Classic.
Shelby Lynn
Grandma's Great Run
Critter and Noah growling at each other.
Holy Tee Ball!
The Golf Pics