Give Thanks
Monday, December 8, 2008
We had a wonderful weekend...we celebrated Thanksgiving with both sides of the family. It was 5 days packed full yet very relaxing. I think it was so relaxing because we didn't really have an agenda to follow. We did things on a whim and they all seemed to fall into place. Things like four wheeling in the snow, breakfast out at my mom's in our jammies, the parade, a was a great weekend. I cooked for Bear's side of the family. It was a quiet year for us there, just 6 adults and my boys. My mom cooked for all 16 of us out at her house. I hosted leftovers again on it was basically 4 days of eating the same wonderful food. It was great to see all the out of town relatives as always. The kids all played great together and we had lots of helpers with the boys. Christmas is really quiet up here since the families have all created their own traditions. Blake and Casey will host Christmas Eve in the newly remodeled home and my mom will host Christmas'll be fun all over again to be with family.

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