The Olson Werewolves
This year we were all thinking we were going to be Harry Potter characters. Or Addams family. Then we flipped through a Halloween catalog and the boys saw werewolves. It was at that moment I thought our family themed trick or treating was done for. After asking the boys if they were okay not having mom and dad with them as a theme (insert broken mom heart here), they quickly replied that they wanted us to be werewolves with them! I went from being super sad that they no longer wanted us with them, to super excited that I got at least another year out of this!
This year's costumes were pretty cheap. I have dropped a small fortune in the past on costumes. But I only bought the masks and the "designer fur" from a craft store. I spent day one of the Federal shutdown sewing chest hair on white t-shirts and little kid gloves.I just ripped up some of our "shack shirts" and we paired it up with holey jeans. Overall pretty cute costumes!
One year ago we trick or treated for our Bella. She fit in the pumpkin last year, this year...not so much.

We had a fun night out trick or treating. We visited our usual houses of family and friends and then headed home. The boys really wanted to set up in the driveway and jump out from behind the trees and scare people. I quickly agreed and only made one scaring kids shorter than Emmitt. Everyone else was fair game!
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