Parker has been rhyming his days with a Pieday Friday! So we shared a piece of Grandma's pie. Hat-ur-day Saturday, Sunday Funday (Monday too!) we had a fun day. Yesterday (I'm not sure any of us wore hats) but we worked around the house on projects and 85 loads of laundry (which are not mine anymore since I wear the same uniform for a week!)...but today we have good ole family fun! Started with me thinking I was going to church by myself, leading to Emmitt screaming in the driveway that he was coming with-complete in his workout clothes from our morning "insane" camo pants and an orange muscle shirt. That fact that nobody commented was great, the fact was we were at church on time. Then the boys made a squirrel trap (see video below) and we ended up at Sha-Sha for lunch wearing our swimsuits. Over fed the 3 chipmunks that were there and headed to the beach after lunch. Parker is a fish! If that kid doesn't have gills and fins by the end of summer I will be surprised. They are finally at the age where Bear and I can lay on the beach and watch them play. But it always ends with us being in the water with them anyways. And both of us agreed that the water takes the pressure off of our aching muscles from that ridiculous workout we have been doing together. We hung at the beach for a few hours and headed home. Bear fell asleep and the kids checked their trap (no squirrel) and then off to the "afternoon" showing of Brave. Every person we talked to said it was scary, but we warned the kids that it's just a movie. We had our fill of popcorn and slushies and then home to bed. We are wore out, but boy was it a day full of memories...after all that's what it's all about.
Emmitt thought the chippies came out of this big momma...
oh...and the rest of the peanuts are in the squirrel trap in the front yard..
and I should mention the trap is made out of a coors light box..
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