For the past 10 years I have been rallying and racing and raising money for The Cure. I have participated in many different events and fundraisers in support of Susan G. Komen-for the Cure. This year I plan to Race for the Cure-on Mother's Day, with my mom, sisters Debbie and Tammy, niece Emma and Nephew Peter.

Aunt Kathy Braulick-currently fighting
Janet Olson-Mother-in-law
Aunt Jeanne (God mother)
Diane Olek-one of my favorite people and a woman I can tell anything to-she is a fantastic listener and will always give a level headed response
Jeanne Corrin-golfing buddy & great friend
Margo Hell-who left us far too soon
Donna Barg-one fantastic woman with one of the best's contagious and unforgettable
Maxine Werner-24 year survivor who will always support me
Marlene Schol-best (Oz) costume maker I know!
Julie Jaksa-the best bargain hunter ever and most willing to help others
Terri Nagurski-one of the best photographers and funniest "moms" I know
Wendy Mayer-one of the Young and the Breastless that "owns" it
Stacy Litwiller-helped my son with his speech issues and I was in awe of her beauty before and after.
Janet Wagner-who has fought and fought and thanked me for my efforts. She loved the bras that were recognized in the paper and the awareness I bring to early detection.
Update-in Memory of Janet Wagner-who was taken far, far too early from this world because of this disease. She was a strong woman who fought with grace and compassion.
Carol Hauge-a devoted mother and wife and is always looking out for others
Gina Rasmussen-a woman who we will forever be linked with because of "Papa Norm" and we love it!
Lisa Bahr-currently fighting, with grace, strength and beauty
Arlene Julien-another early survivor who continues to amaze me daily
Kathleen Riley-my sister Tammy's mother in law
Ellen Breneman-just fought it this winter with a smile on her face
Last but never the of my best friends and the craziest woman I have ever had the pleasure of staying up all night and dancing with-Becky Glatz
and many, many more...
If you would like to donate to the Race please click the following link...Team Debbie's Angels
...thank you for your support!
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