My sister Tammy and I have been skiing together for 7 years. Our winter morning routine has been etched in ice for years now. We are up and out of the house by 5:45 to start our skiing adventure together. I call it an adventure because, like most things with Tammy, it is an adventure. We just skied last Friday morning in
freezing rain! It hurts a little by the way. We have always gone 3 loops at Manka's little trail in the mornings (3 km) and save the "big" skis for the weekends. We attempt to ski out at Tilson one of the weekend days. This past weekend we skied the long red loop. It is a little over 10 km. We saw moose prints. We saw huge overturned trees that had been lifted right out of the ground. We saw lots of gorgeous land. It was fantastic. This year our adventure grew a little more and we rented skate skis. I am favoring "skating" a bit more than classical. The idea is growing on Tammy. But she has this gorgeous, long, graceful ski while on classicals. I have this choppy racing spastic movement about me when on classicals. So skating is a bit more up my ally. The skiing suits the personality I think. A couple of weekends ago we met somebody on the trail, with a camera, that we knew. She snapped what is known to be our first ski photo in 7 years! This season is by far our best in distance. The season started so early and all the snow makes for a long and gorgeous ski season. I love that we are those people who smile when we get a big snow because it means more great skiing. It's what I live for in the winter. I'm not going to complain about the snow, I'm gonna ski on it! With almost 150 km skied to date just this season, this -30 below weather is going to put a kink in the routine. But it's just a kink. We get back out there when it warms up to -15 and above. It is so comforting and motivating to know that we are going to be waiting for one another every morning in the parking lot. Some days we refer to it as our therapy session. Some days we say very little. Some days we laugh a lot. This morning our eyes watered from the cold wind...and then our eyelashes hang with little frosty icicles.
Thank you Old Man Winter for giving me the joy of skiing with my sister!

And yes, we wear fanny packs on our butts.
Oh, I miss skiing. My husband laughs at me because I beg to haul my skis back whenever we go home in the winter. He's more content to sit by the fire when its cold!
Thank you for sharing your mornings with me. I am blessed to have you as my skiing partner and I love you.
Sister Tammy
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