About May, probably the 11th, Parker had a "half Birthday". Now, we are not ones to buy our kids birthday presents half way through the year, they get enough crap all year round...but in May we bought Parker a big boy bike. With full intentions that he would ride it through the summer. The little green gator mini bike from cousin Peter was then being passed onto Emmitt.
It's a cool bike. It's covered in Spiderman and has a web on the seat. It had training wheels on it, until I drug my 4 year old on my 3 mile loop and they literally broke off. That day I also happened to drag daddy on the 3 mile loop. I got stuck in the hunched over, squatting position for the rest of the walk, helping Parker balance all the way home with no training wheels.
We practiced all summer long in the grass, in the driveway, on the road and he would do this diving and flailing arms movement and purposely slam onto the ground. Then he never really wanted to ride the bike at all! He would dig out the gator bike and make Emmitt ride the trike. Well, four days off last week, stuck at home with pink eye, we turned off the TV and played and played and played. We played in the leaves, we worked on potty training Emmitt (AGAIN!) and we learned to ride our big boy bike!
Going, going...
We worked on this until Daddy got home and then we played a big trick on daddy. I told Parker sternly that he better go show daddy what he did today. Bear wasn't sure what was going on and was sort of freaked out about what might have happened. Parker hopped on his bike, asked for a push and headed out down the driveway and down the road.

Two thumbs up to our little man. Just shy of 5 and he has accomplished so much already.
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