Emmitt Jon. 29 months old technically. But can tell anyone who asks that he is TWO! We had some big milestones this month with our little man. We are working so hard on potty training. I can't say that he is in fact trained but I can say he wears big boy underwear 95% of the time. We have graduated to pull ups a bit as we try to get rid of the size 4 diapers. He does pretty good, but once he is busy playing outside or inside, at daycare or at home, he just simply forgets or chooses not to use the toilet and goes in his pants. And being the boy he is, he just continues on what he is doing with wet pants. 
We just officially moved the toddler bed/crib out of the boys' room and combined them into one big bed. Every time I have put him in the new big bed he says, "I want my pib back". He keeps telling us he is sleeping in Parker's bed, when in fact it is also his bed. So far so good with going to bed in the "new room". Bedtime has been a battle with the boys lately. We are out of routine with the summer, debating on taking naps away from Parker so bedtime is easier for him. If we put them down together they play, run from one bedroom to the next, steal our pillows and blankets from our bed. One night I found Emmitt all curled up our bed with a dirty workout shirt of mine. Ish!
Currently we are trying to put Emmitt down first and then letting Parker stay up 30 minutes later. He's the older brother after all. Well so far it's not working so great. They both get out of bed, want a drink, need to pee, want you to lay with them, etc...some nights it's 9:30 before Parker gives up and goes to bed when we all do! Super frustrating.
Emmitt is basically talking in full sentences now. I must get video of him actually asking or saying a sentence. He takes his voice to the next octave and gets higher and higher as he says it. He is bordering shouting when he speaks to be sure he is heard. It is so funny. Parker gets a laugh out of Emmitt saying a really long phrase. 
I budgeted and am making payments with my Spot tips on this bad boy. The giant chair and a half is actually called a "snuggler". I had to have it just for the name! Actually part of our bedtime routine being messed up is that we out grew our pimped out momma nursing chair and our story time, snuggling time, just got out of whack. It was super frustrating. We no longer fit 3 in a row in the rocker/glider chair so I moved it downstairs to the living room. I then made a nest of blankets on the floor where we would have our storytime. Then the boys wouldn't sit on the floor nicely for the story and it eventually became a battle. I can say that we all fit nicely in the snuggler and the boys love it. We are back to reading many stories at night and enjoying the new investment.
Emmitt is still such a mommas boy. He is always asking for help from just momma. That is if he isn't demanding to do it "me self!". It is so cute how he mixes up some of his words. He always say yours for you or your. Plural. Like, "wash yours hands, Parker!" It's adorable.
We are camping this weekend with my girlfriends from college. 4 of the 6 of us together, spouses, significant others and kids. Maybe a dog too. 3 days in a family cabin down by Walker. I cannot wait. Last year we camped and had to lug along the stroller, the pack-n-play, diapers, etc...this year-it just got a little easier.
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