Parker had the boys over for a game of boot hockey. His boys he calls them. That would be the infamous trio of Bradyn, Max & Nate. Steph headed out to Alaska for a wedding and needed some help one day with the boys. After I made them take a nap I let them loose in the backyard with sticks and a puck. Miraculously nobody was injured.
Nate, Parker and (Wild) Max. This picture says it all. Max...Max...Max. The face was priceless. He was in charge on the rink. Flying around like a wild man, diving for the puck, sliding on his knees to block a shot. He does it all.
The Twins-Nate & Max. You may think they look so much alike but you show Emmitt a picture of them and ask who it is and he'll be right every.single.time.
Max and Parker taking each other down and fighting for the puck.
ummm...Wild Max again.
and again...
Bradyn, the oldest brother of the three. Responsible, funny, but willing to play with 4 year olds all the time. He takes well to Emmitt too. Even changes a diaper or two when asked.
Max of course has a sweet side too. He can sure ham it up when he needs to. He is more of a momma's boy and wasn't too sure he wanted her to be gone to Alaska.
Nate-the daddy's boy. I asked him just once to get himself dressed to head outside and before I had the other 3 dressed he was already out the door, fully clothed and ready to go.
If Steph ever got her phone fixed so that she could receive pictures on it via a text message, I would have sent them that way...but she didn't (that I know of) so these are for her viewing more than anybody's.
1 comment
Thank you!! Max keeps saying "Look I checked him" and is way to proud of himself!!
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