The "Foreth" birthday parties went great! We went to Patty Cakes and picked up Parker's treats for the day. I let him come in with me and he was so excited to see his cake and cupcakes. The baker is retiring this year and I am sad to see her go. I have alternated with getting cakes from her and doing them myself. Looks like I'm on my own or I need to find another baker. She did a fabulous job with the golf theme!

Parker brought cupcakes to school and to Stephie's. The kids were all covered in green frosting. I can't say that I heard anybody say they loved the golf balls made of fondant. A majority of us hadn't tried it before so when I ordered the cake I asked her to use it.

Don't these four just spell Trouble to you? Let me tell you that they are the best of buds and can conquer the world in one day if they want to. They will make a huge trail of destruction in the meantime but they'll conquer it!

The big boy on his Fourth Birthday
More to come...on the family party.
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