We had a great, relaxing, fun-filled, busy 3 day weekend. I love 3 day weekends. The world should only have to work 4 days and then take 3 off. It only seems fair. My sister Debs and her family were up North. 2 of the 3 days we had gorgeous weather up here. The cousins got to play together. The older cousins got to watch my kids for me (which is why it was so relaxing). The older cousins tend to gravitate towards each other and just "hang out" now instead of playing. Although they did end up at the park!

Parker tends to stick by Emma. So does
Emmitt. She is so good with the kids and I think they feel like she will just take care of them if they stick like glue to her legs! And she does...
Emmitt kept handing Peter dandelion heads on their little walk to the park. He just kept saying "what have you got for me buddy". It was precious...maybe he isn't too old to play with babies.
Emmitt is over his I'm-gonna-cry-when-you-put-me-in-the-swing-phase and has excepted the fact that every spare moment we have, we are going to the park or out back to play. Which has now turned into the I'm-gonna-scream-if-you-think-of-taking-me-out-of-this-swing-phase. He realized he can yell up the tunnel slide and be rewarded with mommy playing peek-a-boo for a good 20 minutes.

He is in love with this dog. I re-did the family photo book for
Emmitt to drool and carry all over the house with him. Each time he finds this book, he flips as fast as he can to the Drake Page and frantically signs puppy and barks in a (very) high-pitch voice. He would not get too close to him this weekend but played peek-a-boo around a tree with him. I think Drake new that he was still chained up and it was hot and therefore useless to get up and chase after the kid. He is a very gentle puppy...

this picture is precious...

Nicker-all 6+feet of him. I know the boys get sick of hearing "
geez, how tall are you now?" but stop growing ALREADY!!!



chillin' on the deck with my
cuz eatin' a dilly bar...

It was a great weekend...we managed to knock another movie off of our top 100 list. The Godfather. It was a great one. Debs fell asleep and would wake up every time a gun shot went off! We had a great time golfing...lots of laughs and swear words got left out on the course that day. Had tons of great food to eat, beautiful weather and a weekend full of activity with no agenda to follow...those are the best kind.
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