I think the funniest moment I have had with you was when we stole your sister's car to drive to Domino's to pick up the "Bigfoot" pizza and totally got busted by your mom! Of all the things to steal a car for! Did we really need a Bigfoot pizza that bad?! BAHAHAHAHA! -Chenoa
The one that comes to mind is when we were traveling to Pequot Lakes to go scrapbooking, me in the back seat turning green because you took all those wicked back roads, you looking up in your mirror, seeing me, and screaming oh, my gosh you're pregnant aren't you, and then saying you were supposed to wait until after this weekend so we could have some drinks. Me smiling & nodding. I was prego with my little Tanner. We then did our best to keep it a secret for the rest of the weekend (as I gagged at cereal) because I wasn't too far along yet. Fun, fun, fun weekend can't wait to go in Aug.
There are many but here are a few: -Driving around in the little blue egg of a car you drove...was it called The Horizon? -Tubing on the Apple River for your bachelorette party. -Our Pottery classes and the "art" we made. Enough said. -Making Sha Sha nachos in the winter and eating the whole plate
I second what Chenoa said! What a fun ride that was! My favorite memory of all times with you is our ski trip to Afton Alps in roughly 5th grade. We had a blast! We decided when we got on the lifts you would take the far seat just so there was no confusion when we got on. Well...one time you didn't. I was waiting for the lift to pick me up and you were still "just standing" in front of me. It picked me up and you ended up sitting on my lap for the most of the ride. My favorite part of the story is that we both had ski pants on and you started to slip! I think we laughed for a good few years after that one. Actually a few weeks ago I thought of it myself and had a good laugh..out loud..by myself! Love ya Beckster! Lisa
Ok one more... I remember biking towards your house up McIntyre hill (the west side) on our 10-speeds with the curled handle-bars. A car drove by and your handlebar got caught underneath their bumper!
I have thought of a couple... 1)Dancing in your bedroom to Bobby Brown Humpin' Around) getting ready for a Christmas concert.
2) Breaking my sister's Michael Bolton (Time Love and Tenderness) tape and throwing it under her bed so she wouldn't think that we did it!!! Sorry Steph...
3) The love for Puffed Cheetos!!!
4) Making up our dance to Black and White (Michael Jackson) and my dad seeing us through the window doing the bicycle!!
Oh the good old days!!! I hope I made you laugh with a couple of these. If I think of anymore I will definately put them on here!!!
Singing "Does He Love You" over the phone so our whole families could here us! I'm sure they were rather impressed with our singing skills. I guess that is why we never made it to American Idol!!!
Sixth grade class trip...too many memories to even write down.
You were an easy baby. Other than change your diaper and feed you, I had hardly anything to do! You had three older sisters -- 12, 10, and 6 who entertained you constantly. They probably treated you more like a "doll" than I should have allowed. Look, a real "Baby Alive!" I'm sure that is the reason you walked at 8 months, 3 weeks. They were forever standing you up and "helping" you walk. Doc Johnson wasn't too happy with the fact that you walked that early, but no harm done. You've been on the run ever since. Happy 28th Birthday. Life has bearly begun for you. Love, Mom
I think the funniest moment I have had with you was when we stole your sister's car to drive to Domino's to pick up the "Bigfoot" pizza and totally got busted by your mom! Of all the things to steal a car for! Did we really need a Bigfoot pizza that bad?! BAHAHAHAHA!
The one that comes to mind is when we were traveling to Pequot Lakes to go scrapbooking, me in the back seat turning green because you took all those wicked back roads, you looking up in your mirror, seeing me, and screaming oh, my gosh you're pregnant aren't you, and then saying you were supposed to wait until after this weekend so we could have some drinks. Me smiling & nodding. I was prego with my little Tanner. We then did our best to keep it a secret for the rest of the weekend (as I gagged at cereal) because I wasn't too far along yet. Fun, fun, fun weekend can't wait to go in Aug.
There are many but here are a few:
-Driving around in the little blue egg of a car you drove...was it called The Horizon?
-Tubing on the Apple River for your bachelorette party.
-Our Pottery classes and the "art" we made. Enough said.
-Making Sha Sha nachos in the winter and eating the whole plate
Too many funny stories to count!
I second what Chenoa said! What a fun ride that was! My favorite memory of all times with you is our ski trip to Afton Alps in roughly 5th grade. We had a blast! We decided when we got on the lifts you would take the far seat just so there was no confusion when we got on. Well...one time you didn't. I was waiting for the lift to pick me up and you were still "just standing" in front of me. It picked me up and you ended up sitting on my lap for the most of the ride. My favorite part of the story is that we both had ski pants on and you started to slip! I think we laughed for a good few years after that one. Actually a few weeks ago I thought of it myself and had a good laugh..out loud..by myself!
Love ya Beckster!
Ok one more...
I remember biking towards your house up McIntyre hill (the west side) on our 10-speeds with the curled handle-bars. A car drove by and your handlebar got caught underneath their bumper!
I have thought of a couple...
1)Dancing in your bedroom to Bobby Brown Humpin' Around) getting ready for a Christmas concert.
2) Breaking my sister's Michael Bolton (Time Love and Tenderness) tape and throwing it under her bed so she wouldn't think that we did it!!! Sorry Steph...
3) The love for Puffed Cheetos!!!
4) Making up our dance to Black and White (Michael Jackson) and my dad seeing us through the window doing the bicycle!!
Oh the good old days!!! I hope I made you laugh with a couple of these. If I think of anymore I will definately put them on here!!!
Oh two more...
Singing "Does He Love You" over the phone so our whole families could here us! I'm sure they were rather impressed with our singing skills. I guess that is why we never made it to American Idol!!!
Sixth grade class trip...too many memories to even write down.
You were an easy baby. Other than change your diaper and feed you, I had hardly anything to do! You had three older sisters -- 12, 10, and 6 who entertained you constantly. They probably treated you more like a "doll" than I should have allowed. Look, a real "Baby Alive!" I'm sure that is the reason you walked at 8 months, 3 weeks. They were forever standing you up and "helping" you walk. Doc Johnson wasn't too happy with the fact that you walked that early, but no harm done. You've been on the run ever since. Happy 28th Birthday. Life has bearly begun for you. Love, Mom
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