Update on Lead levels
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
for those of you wondering, we got Parker's lead level update. Last year @ 12 months it was 7, the norm is 5. This year @ 24 months it was 3.3! Yeah it went way down. But, why was it so high last year? We have gone through a lot of his toys for the Made in China warning...but my mom came up with a theory, he was still teething last year and would "eat" the wooden built in bookcase in our house which I had painted. Of course there is paint underneath-lots of layers of paint underneath, and we live in an old house. So most likely his lead levels were up from that, of course he doesn't eat bookcases anymore so it explains why it is down. We still have a zillion toys to go through but we'll get them all out of the house. Check your labels when buying your Christmas gifts for young children for the Made in China warning and good luck-it's pretty hard to find something not made there!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Parker was given an entire bag of hockey equipment from cousins Emma and Peter. We tried on the entire wardrobe and did he ever have fun. I would hold up the the piece of equipment and ask him where it went-and he would point or tell me the correct spot. He watches his "idol" Bradyn at daycare get dressed daily for hockey. So of course he knew it all. Daddy had to tell me to turn around the shoulder pads though, I had them backwards. Once Parker was all suited up he asked me where his "cuk-cup" aka nutcup was. After we could stop laughing we told him his diaper would work for now. I guess he'll need
one eventually but not yet. So the question is...is it natural for Parker to want to play hockey already or do we as two hockey playing parents have a tendency to "push" him in that direction? We'll see once he gets on skates this winter to see if he really likes it. Barrett started out in figure skating (on hockey skates) when he was really little. He learned the basics and then went in to hockey. He is still involved by playing in the men's league and coaching. So we'll see what Parker wants to do with his winters...
28 Weeks and 2 Year Well Child Checkup
Friday, November 16, 2007
Parker and I both had our checkups this week. Mine was for a regular ob checkup, his was the well child check for turning 2. We managed to schedule them together which I thought was a good idea and turned out to be 2 hours at the clinic...overall it went just fine. I had my glucose test and have the results already and everything is just fine. They told me that if you show up with gestational diabetes it is usually with your first baby. I am on the other hand anemic. Which, I have been iron deficient for years and borderline anemic but now I have actually crossed the line. Basically it explains why I am tired a lot...silly me, I thought it was my pace of life! Okay, it may be a combination of both. The solution to the anemia from my husband is to eat more meat, the doctor recommends an iron supplement, which I know has a "crappy" affect if you know what I mean. I have now packed on 17 pounds in 28 weeks. I am feeling pretty good these days, a little uncomfortable sometimes, and the bebe is moving like crazy still.
Parker's checkup went really well. He was a trooper. The waiting room gets old after awhile but I had new Birthday toys with for him to play with. They did my checkup first and he was so focused on what the doctor was doing. He was super quiet and whispered while Dr. Stone listened to the bebe's heartbeat (150 bpm). Then it was his turn. He weighed 26 pounds and is 2'10" tall. He said Ahhh when asked, was still for all the routine exams-heart, lung, ear, nose checkups. Then it was time for the flu shot in the thigh. They conviently came to get me since my one hour wait on my glucose test was up. So I left Parker and Daddy alone so I could get my blood drawn. Daddy and Parker made it through the shot with one little "owa" and a bandaid for him and his puppy's leg. He was more worked up about getting new stickers than the aftermath of getting a shot. Then he got to see mommy get her flu shot in her arm. All done with that for a year! Off to the lab for Parker to have his lead level checked. This is due to all of the "made in China" toys being recalled. Last year his levels were a 7 and they like to see them under or around 5. We are still waiting on those results. This finger prick hurt and another but longer "owwwwwaa" and then I distracted him by counting red blood drops into the vile. He did and walked out with yet another bandaid (on his middle finger) and more stickers. The funny part was he wanted to show just that finger to everyone in the waiting room and tell them he has an "owwe". If I had let him, I am sure he would have made each person kiss it...
Parker's checkup went really well. He was a trooper. The waiting room gets old after awhile but I had new Birthday toys with for him to play with. They did my checkup first and he was so focused on what the doctor was doing. He was super quiet and whispered while Dr. Stone listened to the bebe's heartbeat (150 bpm). Then it was his turn. He weighed 26 pounds and is 2'10" tall. He said Ahhh when asked, was still for all the routine exams-heart, lung, ear, nose checkups. Then it was time for the flu shot in the thigh. They conviently came to get me since my one hour wait on my glucose test was up. So I left Parker and Daddy alone so I could get my blood drawn. Daddy and Parker made it through the shot with one little "owa" and a bandaid for him and his puppy's leg. He was more worked up about getting new stickers than the aftermath of getting a shot. Then he got to see mommy get her flu shot in her arm. All done with that for a year! Off to the lab for Parker to have his lead level checked. This is due to all of the "made in China" toys being recalled. Last year his levels were a 7 and they like to see them under or around 5. We are still waiting on those results. This finger prick hurt and another but longer "owwwwwaa" and then I distracted him by counting red blood drops into the vile. He did and walked out with yet another bandaid (on his middle finger) and more stickers. The funny part was he wanted to show just that finger to everyone in the waiting room and tell them he has an "owwe". If I had let him, I am sure he would have made each person kiss it...
Parker turns 2
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Cake
The answer to the question you are asking is...no! I did not make this cake. Patty Cakes did. I ordered the cake over the phone and said, he is 2 and he is really into Lightening McQueen. This is what she came up with. AND it tasted wonderful. It was carrot cake by the way.
Parker had a little cake for himself to dig into. Last year it worked, this year he would rather use a fork and try to eat the plastic balloons. This cake was white cake with white frosting (least messy) and had 2 erasers on it for decoration. He tried to eat those too, realized he couldn't and settled for liking all the frosting off.
2 monkeys-the theme of the party was monkeys and Cars. These two monkeys are named: Kiki and Swinger-no joke! I thought they sounded like pole dancing monkeys but who am I to judge the beanie baby company?
Orlando, Florida
Saturday, November 10, 2007
My trip to Orlando proved to be a good one after all. I was really debating actually going. I first decided to take a job with Curves Int'l again, after having a year off. Part of the new job included training at our annual convention. The past four years have been in Las Vegas but I was glad to hear the change and to be going to Orlando. 2006 Vegas was the 'first' time I really left Parker. I brought my sister Deb along with me last year and we had a blast! She kept me from being sad about being gone. This year I was really apprehensive about going because I would basically be alone and away from Parker for 6 days. I found out just before going that my good friend Melissa had also taken the job and was going to be in Orlando. YEAH!! I am going to make it after all. It is amazing how much you can miss your child in just a few short days. I am taking the job to better our lives and hopefully create more opportunities to spend time together as a family. Well I did after all make it through the week of training and today I get to finish up and get on my homebound flight. I land at midnight tonight and get to wake up with my baby on his 2nd Birthday! I can't wait to hear him rustle around in his bed in the morning and sneak in there to see his face light up when he realizes I've come home! Precious. We will celebrate his birthday with family, cake, and balloons...

My windows view of the golf course, one of nine. If I could only have played 18 holes...only a $109 green fee.

Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. 80 and sunny most of the days, I did manage to lay by the pool for 2 hours during the whole trip!

25-26 weeks
Friday, November 2, 2007
Here is the latest of the belly evolution...this is last weeks picture at 25 weeks. Today I am 6 1/2 months! Only 98 days to go...or 14 weeks! Not sure which one of those sounds longer.
Feeling good these days. Bebe is moving around like crazy. Bear can feel it and we can see it move from the outside! "it" has been very active between 4-6 AM! Wakes me up when I am sound asleep...I am beginning to wonder if this is going to be it's favorite time?! I hope not.
Parker decorating his pumpkin, no knives or other sharp instruments allowed for him.
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